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Santander for Intermediaries

Updated residential and Buy to Let affordability rates

On Thursday 28 April we’re updating our residential and Buy to Let affordability rates to reflect March’s Bank of England base rate increase.

Our affordability and Buy to Let calculators will be updated to reflect these changes. Please use these calculators to make sure you get an accurate reflection of what we can lend your clients.

Pipeline rules

Our usual pipeline rules will apply. All full mortgage applications (FMAs) already submitted on Introducer Internet by close of business on Wednesday 27 April won’t be affected by these changes. Any FMAs submitted from 6am on Thursday 28 April, or where a material change is made to an FMA submitted before close of business on Wednesday 27 April, will be assessed using our updated lending policy.

How are we supporting the change?
We’re updating the SFI website affordability and Buy to Let calculators and lending criteria.


Policy Updates

We regularly review our lending policy and processes to ensure that we are delivering the right outcomes for you and your clients and further to our email yesterday, we are pleased to confirm a number of other positive changes were made as of, Friday 22nd April, 2022.

  • Our application systems have been enhanced to provide you with greater upfront clarity over the lending status of your sole trader and partner self-employed clients. Moving forward, the system will confirm at the Decision in Principle (DIP) stage if affordability is met for sole trader and partners, saving you time and allowing you to potentially re-model the case if applicable.
  • We’ve clarified our approach for self-employed limited company directors who are paid as an employee (PAYE) and as such do not have to pay any further tax to pay: They are not required to provide tax calculations and tax year overviews provided total gross earnings are <£100K per annum.
  • Limited Liability Partnerships- document validity: Where 4 or more partners exist in legal and accountancy firms: we will now accept Tax Calculations/ Tax year overviews dated up to 21 months at point of application (instead of the usual 18 months).
  • Affordable housing schemes: We’ve updated policy to confirm that the existence of ‘nomination rights’ (restrictions as to whom a property can be sold) or a ‘moratorium period’ (a time period during which a registered provider may buy back the property in the event of default) are acceptable provided the period does not exceed 3 months and no further restrictions are placed on the lender beyond that timeframe. Affordable schemes included are DMS and shared ownership.

Click here to view our affordable schemes keying submission guide.

Barclays for Intermediaries logo

Gatehouse Bank

Lower rental rates for new Green Home Finance products

Great news! Today we are launching a range of green home finance products for UK resident customers who will benefit from a new dedicated lower home finance rental rate.

Key Green Product highlights include:

  • Rental rates are 0.10% lower for eligible properties (see below)
  • The Bank will also offset the carbon footprint of each property for the fixed rental rate period, making it carbon neutral for the full term of the initial 2 or 5 year fixed period
  • In addition, the Bank will continue to offset the carbon footprint of the property for however long a customer remains with the Bank, subject to their property meeting the required EPC rating of any green products chosen at that time

Customers who are eligible:

  • Available to UK residents requiring finance up to £500k across our Buy-to-Let (BTL) and Home Purchase Plan (HPP) ranges
  • Properties will need to have a valid A or B Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), which records its energy efficiency and environmental impact rating based on CO2 emissions
  • Available to BTL customers including HMOs and MUFBs, and all HPP customers
  • Existing customers coming up to renewal will be offered Green Home Finance products, if their properties meet the EPC requirements of the product

These new products further enhance our existing range available to UK residents, UK Expats, International residents and UK registered corporate entities looking to purchase or refinance property in England and Wales. Our full range of products can be found here.

Please note, to provide advice on HPP products you are required to hold specific HPP permissions with the FCA. However, you may be able to refer your clients on an introduced basis, details of which can be found here.

If you have any queries or require further information our team remains available via phone and email, details of which can be found here.

LiveMore Capital

Helping your borrowers to live the lives that they love

This month we are focusing on helping your customers to live their best lives!

Thanks to our brand new product structure, we are able to offer customers aged 50-90+ a much wider choice of mortgages to match their individual circumstances, allowing them to fund housing projects, hobbies, travelling and so much more.

Our data shows that there’s a significant portion of LiveMore customers within the past year that have used their loans to fund lifestyle and home improvement projects – and we are seeing these much more frequently!

Teachers for Intermediaries

Holiday let search driving you round the maypole?

Are your clients planning to buy a property to let as a holiday rental?

Are they keen to invest in the staycation market?

Or perhaps they’d like a property they can use themselves sometimes & rent the rest of the time?

Do they plan to rent via Airbnb?

…TFI can help

Holiday let mortgages – criteria highlights:

  • We welcome holiday let properties marketed via AirBnB style platforms
  • Lending assessment based on holiday let income for rental coverage
  • Holiday let re-mortgages based on actual rental income received
  • Applicants can occupy the holiday let property for up to 2 months in every 12 month period

Product highlights for holiday let:

  • 2 year variable rate NO FEE
  • 5 year fixed rate £199 FEE
  • Products available up to 75% LTV
  • Free valuation on properties up to £800k

Call the TFI holiday-let hotline now on 0800378669 to discuss your client’s case or visit their website here.



New Build maximum loan increased to 90% LTV

TSB has increased maximum loans to 90% LTV on New Build Houses and Bungalows effective from 25 April 2022.

After listening to broker feedback, 90% LTV is now available on all new build houses including Shared Ownership allowing up to 90% of the customer share of the purchase price.

To support this, the lender has launched the following New Build products:

  • 5 Year Fixed, 85-90% LTV, First Time Buyer and House Purchase
  • 5 Year Fixed, 85-90% LTV, Shared Ownership First Time Buyer and House Purchase

TSB is also helping First Time Buyers and Home movers by offering lower rates on new build properties with A-C EPC ratings.

New Build cases expert helpline

TSB’s multi-skilled case management teams now provide focussed support on a regional level. You can also reach specialists in new build and self-employed income cases using these regional contact telephone numbers.

Central and South: 0330 123 3292
London and South East: 0330 123 3289
Scotland and North: 0330 123 328
Telephone BDMs: 0330 1233291

The new product guide is attached, and is available for brokers from 25 April. For more information, please contact your National Account Manager.

Accord Mortgages

Lowering their rental calculation

To further demonstrate Accords commitment to the Buy to Let market they’re introducing a lower rate rental calculation from today, available for straight switch re-mortgages where no additional capital is being raised.

The new ICR/ICRR rates are as follows:

Basic & Zero Rate Taxpayers – £ for £ re-mortgage
All Products – 125% @ 4.5%

Higher & Additional Rate Taxpayers – £ for £ re-mortgage
< 5-year products – 140% @ 4.5%
>= 5-year products – 145% @ 4.0%

The higher of the above ICRR rates or product rate + 2% for <5-year products and product rate + 1% for >= 5-year products will apply.

All other ICR/ICRR rates remain unchanged and can be found here.

Alternatively, brokers can use the handy Accord rental calculator.

When choosing Accord you can be sure you’ll get the Buy to Let service you need to support your landlord clients, all backed up with their promise to look at your cases with good old common-sense in mind.

So, next time you have a Buy to Let client, give Accord a go and be confident you’ll get a Buy to Let lender, not just a lender that does Buy to Let.

Accord Mortgages logo

Mansfield building society

Reasons to choose The Mansfield for your clients

At Mansfield Building Society, we understand that the real world can have its complexities. That’s why we embrace diverse circumstances and aim to see the person beyond the profile.

All mortgage applications with us are considered on their individual merit and the following key criteria is intended as a guide to our approach. Some criteria features are subject to product availability and where more than one criteria applies, Underwriter discretion may apply.

Read the full USP list here.

NEW holiday let mortgages for SPV limited companies and expats

Limited company holiday lets are now available on our standard holiday let products plus new expat holiday lets launched.

We’ve also increased our maximum loan sizes and LTVs:

  • Maximum loan size £1million (max 70% LTV)
  • Maximum loan size £750K (max 75% LTV)

For more information about our flexible approach to holiday lets or to apply online, visit

Knowledge Bank

Criteria Clinic Webinar

Ask the Knowledge Bank experts questions LIVE on 3rd May at 10am

Complex problems often have simple solutions.” – Steven Magee

When it comes to your BTL clients, there are many variables that can make a case much more complex. However, whether it be a HMO, a Limited Company or LLP, a portfolio landlord or even an ex-pat, complex problems often have simple solutions.

Our next Criteria Clinic will be at 10am on Tuesday, May 3rd, where we will be transforming Complex BTLs into simple – genius!

Register here.

Joining Nicola to discuss Complex BTL, answer your questions, and help you place cases LIVE are representatives from:

  • Andy Rowe, Regional Sales Manager – Zephyr Homeloans
  • Paul Huxter, Head of Sales – West One
  • Matt McCullough, National Sales Manager – Aldermore
  • Alex Alexandrou, Business Development Manager – Octopus

To view all future events being held by Knowledge Bank or those we are participating in, please click here.

Attendees who attend the full session will be sent learning certificates which can be used for CPD.

Register here.

Marsden Building Society

New Affordability Calculator Has Launched!

We’ve made some improvements to our affordability calculator to make submitting business to us easier.

  • We now have one simplified calculator for all our residential lending (including Shared Ownership, Older Borrower, Retirement Interest Only and Expat Residential). Simply select the lending type from the dropdown box.
  • We’ve condensed the amount of expenditure details you need to provide. There’s no requirement for you to input outgoings such as council tax, utilities, home and car insurance, mobile and home phones – this is all calculated for you using ONS data.
  • ONS data is tailored to the age of the applicant. We understand the lifestyle of a retired applicant is different to that of a younger applicant, so we’ve factored that in.
  • Input 100% of income – we’ll work out the rest! For earned income and private pensions, there’s no requirement for you to work out the net figures. For bonus, overtime and commission, we’ll automatically work out 60% in the background.
  • No requirement for you to work out what income we’ll accept for self-employed clients. All we ask is that you provide us with a full three-year history of the income whether your client is a sole trader or director of a limited company – we’ll work out the income we’ll accept in the background.
  • For credit cards, mail orders and overdrafts, we’d usually ask you provide us with 3% of the total balances. With our new affordability calculator, simply provide us with 100% of the credit balances and we’ll work out the rest!


  • Our affordability model is still subject to maximum income multiples of 4.5x
  • For expat cases, if your client is paid in a foreign currency, you’ll need to work out the currency conversion to GBP (either -20% or the worst exchange rate over a 5-year period).

To find out more, visit our website here.

Legal & General

Private Diagnostics

Gives clients swift access to some of the UK’s top consultants

Umbrella Benefits – more choice, more cover, more support

We know it’s important to get answers as quickly as possible when facing serious illness. That’s where Private Diagnostics** can help, with a blend of virtual consultations and in-person testing appointments

Private Diagnostics gives your clients access to some of the UK’s top consultants for diagnostic testing when referred to see a specialist for cancer, cardiology or neurological Available for an additional £4.50 a month.

Key Facts

  • Results provided in just a few weeks from the day of referral
  • Covers investigations for cancer, cardiac or neurological conditions when referred to a specialist by the GP
  • Provides up to 3 primary virtual consultations per year when referred for different symptoms
  • Available to the policyholder, and children up to age 22

Umbrella Benefits is, exclusive to intermediaries, also offering

  • Wellbeing support
  • Fracture cover
  • Rehabilitation Support Service*

Find out more and watch our useful animation.

*included with our income protection policy

**Insured by AXIS specialty Europe SE. The support and services are provided by Trustdoctor, a sister company of Further Underwriting International SLU

Introducing your Partner First Service Team

Looking after your Protection business is at the heart of what we do, and as a valued member of our business, we would like to introduce you to your New Partner First Service Team.

You’ll now have a dedicated telephone line and mailbox giving you immediate access to your team, providing a quick and convenient way to talk to us about your business. We’ve also introduced a dedicated support line for all your pre-sale underwriting enquiries.

Click here to download your handy guide containing all the contact details and information about the team and how it will work.

Our pro-active approach is tailored to help speed up the application process and get your customer covered as quickly as possible.

legal and general logo

Zephyr Homeloans


Buy to let market: we’d love your views!

We’d really appreciate it if you would complete a brief survey to get your thoughts on the buy to let market. There are only seven questions. If you’re in a rush you can simply tick a few boxes, but it would also be great if you can also add some of your thoughts. Either way, we’d really appreciate your input.

To say thank you, if you complete the survey by 5pm Friday 6th May, you can enter our prize draw to win a £100 Amazon gift card.

Complete the survey here:

Thanks for your input and good luck with the prize draw!

Manor Mortgages

Problem property & income proves no problem

Manor Mortgages can take a problem property and income and boost affordability to help buy purchase a property with an annex.

Daniel and Sarah purchased a £1.2 million property with an annex.

In this annex, were separate utilities outbuildings and land, which created a fundamental issue for the vast majority of lenders, due to the property being non-standard construction. In addition to this, Daniel has a construction business, which made a profit of £158,000 in 2021 and £48,000 in 2020, however, no accounts were available for 2022.

Although this added further complexity to this situation, we discussed this with an underwriter at a lender, who we had a good relationship with, and due to the way we presented the case they agreed to accept to use an accountant’s projection.

This helped to boost the affordability and ensure the couple was borrowing enough to make the purchase.

Before using Manor Mortgages, the maximum loan they had been offered was £450,000, but we were able to obtain £535,000 for the clients at 2.94% fixed for 5 years.

To find out more about their problem property solutions call Manor Mortgages on 01275 399299 or visit their website here.

Castle Trust BTL semi-exclusive products

Key Features Include:

  • 75% max LTV
  • £100 application fee
  • 5 year term
  • £150,000 minimum loan
  • £200,000 maximum loan
  • Max term 10 years

Click here to read the full product guide.

West One

Why is a manual underwriting process better for you?

Many advisers and clients are left frustrated with their lender journey. Many would argue the root cause is a lack of common sense in assessing the case.

However, did you know that at West One, our manual underwriting process applies a common-sense approach to all cases? From handling a complex limited company portfolio to the straightforward buy to let purchase or re-mortgage, one of our experienced team of underwriters offers an individual assessment of every case on its own merit, looking for the best outcome for you and the client.

How can you help? Provide as much information and package the application with the basic requirements for the case to be assessed without delays using a simple checklist.

So, if you have clients looking to purchase or re-mortgage properties held in their limited company, need a new lender for their portfolio or wish to discuss anything else Buy to Let, then please speak to us at West One by calling our broker support team on 0333 123 4556 or email:

Impact Specialist Finance

New Buy to Let Packager Panel by United Trust Bank

Impact Specialist Finance, the leading specialist packager and distributor, has been appointed by United Trust Bank (UTB) to their newly formed buy-to-let packager panel.

Impact’s brokers will have access to UTB’s recently launched buy-to-let product range which caters for both individual and limited company ownership, as well as portfolios, HMOs and MUFBs.

In addition, brokers can use the impactportal to place, source, and track their cases. This user-friendly CRM system provides brokers with control of their clients’ applications. Impact’s system has a host of features to help save time and assist in managing cases throughout the application process. The technology allows brokers to track cases from simple enquiries all the way through to completed applications.

Dale Jannels, Managing Director at Impact Specialist Finance, commented:
“Over the years we’ve worked with many new lenders when they first enter the market and although UTB aren’t a new lender, their launch into buy-to-let is a significant step in their growth plans.

We are delighted to have been chosen as one of the first distributors and look forward to working with Mike and the team.”

Mike Walters, Sales Director – Mortgages at United Trust Bank added:
“Since announcing our launch into buy-to-let in March, our team have been working hard to quickly bring the range to market and so this launch with impact, along with a small number of other specialist distributors, is a key milestone on our distribution plans.

Dale and the team are renowned as experts in buy-to-let and so they were an automatic choice for us for this stage of our launch and we look forward to growing this part of our business in 2022.”

To find out more, call the Impact team on 01403 272625