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Accord Mortgages


At Accord mortgages, we take a common-sense, personalised approach to lending with a focus on personal relationships and adding that human touch.

  • Expert and knowledgeable teams work together to drive great service and outcomes for brokers and their clients
  • Field-based and telephone Business Development Managers and Business Development Advisors; Lending Specialists; and Underwriting teams look at cases individually
  • If a case is declined at DIP, brokers can call us to chat it through – we might just surprise you
  • You can speak to your dedicated case underwriter when you need them – providing a service you can rely on
  • Easy to contact via Chatbot and Webchat – our chatbot features the answers to your frequently asked questions
  • Our criteria search functionality contains all of our criteria and is regularly reviewed by our expert teams to ensure it’s up to date, and quick and simple to find the information needed
  • We know that speed of service is key, and we’ll do everything we can to get you that lending decision quickly
  • Our MSO mortgage platform has been integrated with sourcing systems, so there’s no need to re-key information when submitting decisions in principles with us, which pre-populates our system


  • The £5k Deposit Mortgage – Your client’s first home, faster
    • Our innovative £5K Deposit Mortgage product is designed to help your First Time Buyer Clients purchase their first home with just a £5K deposit
    • Available for LTVs between 95.01% and 99%
  • Boost LTIoffers up to 5.5 times LTI for clients with household incomes of £60,000 and over
  • Cascade Scorean alternative product range for brokers whose clients don’t meet Accord’s higher loan-to-value (LTV) scorecard but do meet their standard scorecard.
  • Offset Mortgage products to give your clients the best of both worlds to
    • Save money on repayments now or in the future, or
    • Shorten the mortgage term
  • Joint Borrower Sole Proprietor – for clients who can’t borrow enough on their own, they can add a family member to their mortgage
  • Welcome boxIf one of your clients buys a home with an Accord mortgage, we’ll send out a Welcome Box on your behalf. We take care of the logistics, so there’s nothing for you to do
  • A Buy to Let lender, not just a lender that does Buy to Let – Offering top-slicing, new build, lending in Scotland, ERC free 5-year products, and more

Grow your business with the Growth Series

It’s common sense to want to grow and improve your business. That’s why we created the Growth Series to provide mortgage brokers with a range of free resources, including blogs, guides and podcasts, to do just that.

Registration Process:

Registering for Accord Mortgages online access is quick, easy and secure and once you do, you’ll be able to submit new business to them. Click the button below for more details.

Register with Accord

Contact details:

A Live webchat will be available on the website, simply click on the button below, enter your name, telephone number and FCA number and you’ll be connected to one of the team to start your online conversation.

Webchat opening hours: Monday-Friday 09:00am – 4.45pm Sat/Sun closed

Live Webchat

Contact your BDM for Residential enquireies.
Contact your BDM for BTL.

For Buy to Let Applications call 0333 414 1100 or to complete a product transfer application call 0345 848 0224.

Get in touch with us today.

Need criteria support? Contact the experts on our Broker Support Team.